The colouring book "Versteh Mal. Das Rathaus" can be ordered now
The booklet is aimed at children in 3rd and 4th grade and can be ordered free of charge. With many pictures, painting and puzzle tasks, it explains on 24 pages local politics with reference to Jena.
The understanding of democracy begins in childhood. Often only few children know about local politics and the work of the city administration, although there are many points of contact with their lives. This colouring book makes a small contribution to explaining democracy in a child-friendly way and to making municipal political topics and structures tangible.
The following questions are addressed in the brochure:
- What is the Lord Mayor's role and responsibilities?
- How does the city council work and how is it elected?
- What offices and authorities are there in the town hall?
- Why do you have to pay taxes and what is the money used for?
- How do elections work and how does democracy work?
The booklet can be ordered here: bildungslandschaft@jena.de